Senin, 29 Mei 2017


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Ladies and gentlemen,

First, let us pray toward gratitude for all the blessings which is given by Allah SWT so that we can gather in this room in a healthy state. Thank you to the audience who served the time and a place to me in the opportunity this time.

Indonesia is a large country and so rich. But why indonesia has not been able to be developed countries until today? Maybe the country we don’t have human resources are good to be developed countries. I felt there is one thing that is a problem at the core of all the problems. All the problem we have come from corruption.

If we see from the definition of corruption it self is acts that deviate from a task or job title with the purpose to benefit them selves in the form of teasure and wealth. Some of us may not feel the impact of corruption directly, but our friend who live in the isolated areas feel it so much. They could not cross the river because no bridges, they did not go to school because do not have money, and still many other problems again. Though they have the same opportunity with the community in a big city. Then, how to cope with corruption in this nation?

Action to fight corruption must be dealt with seriously because we all expect corruption to be eroded vanished from our Country. For that we should together fight against corruption, for students learning improved attitude in order to become a better generation than now.

It might be the only speech that I can say, please sorry if there are wrong words. 
Wassalamualaikum Wr. W.b 

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